Thursday, 20 January 2011

Park maintenance 20th Jan 2011

Leaves from autumn have been removed from the grass areas by a team of Glendale staff using hand machines and a vehicular vacuum sweeper. This will allow more light to reach the grass to enable healthy growth in the spring. The rose beds near the Silverdale entrance and those near the de Frene entrance have also had a tidy. There are plans to develop the site of the rose beds near the pavilion so no work was done there this time.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Grow Mayow’s Christmas Fair

 Here is a  taste of what there was:   A range of food; stalls selling saris, felt products, knitted products, painted pebbles, canal art-ware and much more; opportunities to make table decorations with natural objects and plenty of glitter.
 Even the busy volunteers enjoyed the day. To quote Suriya, one of the volunteers managing the site, “it was a magical, cosy atmosphere, with fairy lights and wood burning stoves warming people up. And many people  voiced an interest in learning gardening skills.”
The Grow Mayow volunteers have turned this small site in Mayow Park into an active social hub which draws people in, not only to the project but also into the main park.
Winter wonderland scene in Mayow Park 1st December 2010

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Friends of Mayow Park now have a new blog site

Friends of Mayow Park have had some problems with their wordpress blog and email address. For this reason we have started a new blog. Watch this space as the site develops.
Regards from the FOMP team