Wednesday, 25 March 2015

equipment official opening 25th March 2015


Local councillors, Lewisham Greenscene officers and Glendale officers attended the official opening of the gym facilities in the park, which had been provided and installed by HAG-SMP.
Cllrs Best and Onikosi spoke about the value of this equipment as a way of developing personal health and how it would enhance the park experience. They thanked the officers who had been involved in bidding for funds and choosing the equipment and they cut the ribbon. Martin from HAG-SMP was on hand as was personal trainer Michael (in orange jacket). Michael was able to show people how to get the best from the equipment.

Park users also joined in and had a go on the equipment. As a reward they got a bottle of water and an energy bar

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Official opening Outdoor Gym 25th March 2015

Come along to this event and learn how to get the best use from the Mayow Park outdoor gym and trim trail.

Nature's Gym work session 14 March 2015

All busy working
Nature's Gym and Mayow Park volunteers had an enjoyable few hours working on the Triangle. Some younger volunteers came to help with seed-sowing, watched over by their parents. The edges of the beds were tidied up so that Glendale grounds staff would be able to strim the grass verges on their next visit.
Great team work    

When we finished, everything looked much better. The children will water their seeds and we look forward to seeing what grows.

Hedgerow trimmed

 Nature's Gym also added more woodchip to the paths and trimmed the hedgerow.
Thank you to Nature's Gym people

Thursday, 12 March 2015


There are some great volunteers helping out in our park. 
Some  have  been keen to help our gardening efforts in the Triangle beds. 
1. Our mini wildflower meadow has been planted and maintained by one mum with a young child. She started looking after the patch last summer and can only come to the park from time to time. 
It is disappointing that the wildflower area has also recently been trampled and we wait to see if all the lovely seedlings that were starting to grow will survive.

2. Last October another volunteer noticed that people were walking over the herb bed and trampling  plants so  he installed two very low hurdles using bamboo canes and sticks, in an effort to encourage people to stay on the paths.   The hurdles lasted from October 2014 to March 2015.One hurdle was broken a few weeks ago.  
one damaged cane hurdle

This week the second was completely removed by a person unknown. 
There was a hurdle here . . . but now it has gone!

Fortunately another volunteer replaced the missing hurdle and repaired the other. That part of the plant bed has been trampled a lot and plants find it difficult to grow there.
broken hurdle repaired with a stick and string

new hurdle in place
3. In January 2015 another regular park user offered to make small postcard-sized signs to explain to people that volunteers look after the beds. Some of these are now in place. 
one of the signs made by a volunteer
 Do please help to care for this area and help it to improve. Join us for our session with Nature's Gym this coming Saturday 14th March from 11am to 2pm

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Lewisham Parks budget cuts

I have only a little information at present:
 In February, an open letter was handed to the Mayor of Lewisham from the Lewisham Parks Forum expressing deep concern at the proposed budget cuts to Lewisham's parks and the potential harmful effects of these cuts.

A few days later, some representatives from  Lewisham Parks Forum  met Council officers to discuss the current parks management contracts and find out  in more detail  the implications of budget cuts.

We then learned that Lewisham Mayor and Cabinet had listened to our concerns and reduced the cuts in parks management, but this is not a long-term security. I have no precise details yet.

 Even though closure of some smaller parks was considered, all parks and management services are retained this year. The Forum will be involved in future discussions as councils around the country are forced to make further savings under central government directives.

Activities weekend 14th & 15th March 2015

The weekend of 14th & 15th March will see two events arranged with the friends of Mayow Park.

On 14th March Nature's Gym volunteers will work to tidy up the Triangle beds and lay more wood chip on paths.  Nature's Gym volunteers have helped us in Mayow Park over the past few years, originally planting bulbs around the Dawn Redwood tree. They also planted the now-established hedgerow along the wall of the bowls cabins in an effort to make that wall less visible.
Come along to say hello or help from 11am to 2pm. Meet near the cafe. Do wear suitable clothes and shoes for gardening work.

On 15th March we will have a bird walk around the park, led by a local amateur ornithologist. You may have heard the birds getting more chatty recently and seen some carrying nest-building materials in the beaks or a robin with a tasty worm. Learn more about the birds of the park.
Meet at 7.30am near the cafe. The walk will finish in time for breakfast at the cafe, should you wish,  and you can be home in plenty of time to celebrate Mother's Day.