On Saturday 24th July 2021 Friends of Mayow Park hosted a bug hunt, led by FOMP’s old friend Iain Boulton. We all met by the Victorian fountain and Iain explained the bug hunt activity. Many people call such creatures ‘bugs’ or ‘creepy crawlies’ or ‘minibeast’. Whatever word you prefer, we were planning to spend one or two hours in the meadow opposite the cafe, hunting for what we could find.
There were 18 of us, including 8 children.
We had all heard about
the unpromising weather we should expect on Saturday afternoon but the rain
held off and later in the afternoon we saw some sun.
Iain brought with him
some sweep nets and a few copies of a Field Studies Council guide* to help us identify these little
critters. He gave a demo on how to use a sweep net in the meadow. And we were
off in family groups, into the long grass, hunting to see what we could find. The list included
Lots of grasshoppers
A painted wing fly
A ladybird or two
A hoverfly larva
Some very small flies
This is an interim post
as we hope to get drawings from some the children who took part.7-spot ladybird green grasshopper