Sunday, 23 February 2014

Work session THURS 25TH FEB 2014

There will be a joint work session with Glendale and FoMP volunteers on Thursday 27th February 2014 from 10am to midday.
We will focus our work on the Triangle beds, pruning raspberries, weeding and mulching round fruit bushes and in the herb beds. 
Glendale staff will be working alongside the Friends to prepare the beds for spring.
Meet near the entrance to the Bowls containers.
If you would like to join us please let FoMP know by email:  so we can bring enough tools and refreshments

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Offers invited from local applicants interested in taking a 6 year lease on the ground floor of the Pavilion at
Mayow Park, Mayow Road, London SE26 4JA for the development of a small café with ancillary use Bidders will
be required to demonstrate their funding ability to complete and manage the facility as well as their commitment to promote a healthy lifestyle for all park users

Closing date for expressions of interest 19/2/2014.

The Lodge, Station Road, Catford SE6 1AN

Please telephone Gemma Buttell on tel:020 8318 3986 or email for bid criteria