Sunday 12 April 2015

Litter and dog fouling

As the park gets busier over the coming months, we can expect to find more litter and dog fouling. Most of the dog walkers in Mayow Park are very careful to pick up after them but not all. Our new park keeper is only in the park on two days a week and he does not yet know the 'grot spots' where litter accumulates, particularly where drinkers and smokers congregate. I hope that regular park users will help him out by letting him know of any specific dog mess and litter. After another week or two he should be more familiar with the park and better able to go straight to the problem areas.
Two of our dog walkers have offered to collect litter and dog mess as they walk round the park, which is very considerate of them. I would like to check with Glendale about health and safety implications plus provision of litter sticks, gloves and rubbish bags.
The following photos are not a pretty sight, showing litter and dog fouling which remained for several days.


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