Monday 17 February 2020

orchard winter tree pruning 21st Feb 2020

It is half term and we have a weekday event on Friday 21st February from 10.30 am to 1 pm.
Come and join other volunteers at our orchard winter pruning event at the orchard opposite the tennis courts.
Arrive at 10.30 pm for training.
No previous skills are needed as we will show you what to do including how to check the trees, which branches to prune, how much to prune. We will also mulch  the ground under the trees - a task that children can do with parental help.
 There was a huge amount of rain from Storm Dennis last weekend (15th & 16th February) and the previous weekend from Storm Ciara so the ground is saturated. Please wear clothes that you don't mind getting muddy and waterproof shoes or wellington boots.

Gardening in Triangle bed 3rd Feb 2020

Four people came to tidy up the Triangle herb bed on 3rd February. The tall, dead flower stalks from the lemon balm plants were removed and piles of couch grass raked up.
The oregano plants were also dead-headed
 All dead plant materials was taken homeward destined for domestic  gardening waste recycling bins.
The bed is now almost ready to take new seeds and plants after we add compost.

fun tree dressing event 30th November

With 40 people over the morning - adults and children - we had a great session.
Pippa's tree trail saw families exploring the orchard to find labels with letters to make a sentence.
Messages  to the trees, written on ribbons of fabric or leaf-shaped card, were hung on branches. Refreshments were available, including mulled wine.
The morning ended with singing songs relevant to the event, led by Dave.

decorated trees

one decorated tree

singing with Dave