Tuesday 12 September 2023

Bats for the Sydenham Arts - Artists' Trail

 Friends of Mayow Park organise occasional bat walks at dusk and we have experienced excitement at seeing these flying mammals.

But never before have we had the joy of unusual bat visitors hanging out in the park for weeks at a time.

If you have visited Mayow Park recently you should have spotted some of these multi-coloured ceramic bats and wondered how they got there. 

They are the work of ceramic artist Elena Howard. 

Elena created a bat hunt, encouraging park users to search around the park to see how many colourful bats they can spot. And that's not all - she  created characters and stories for some of the bats and a competition inviting people to be creative on a batty theme.

Although some of these bats went absent without leave shortly after arriving, most have stayed and seem quite content in their green space home. All ages have been able to enjoy the hunt. 

The competition has now finished and Elena has chosen winners who will each receive their own unique ceramic bat. As the bats have taken up permanent residence in the park, do visit and say hello to any that you find.

All photos by Elena Howard. To find out more visit:  https://www.elenahoward.com/    

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