Wednesday 4 March 2015

Activities weekend 14th & 15th March 2015

The weekend of 14th & 15th March will see two events arranged with the friends of Mayow Park.

On 14th March Nature's Gym volunteers will work to tidy up the Triangle beds and lay more wood chip on paths.  Nature's Gym volunteers have helped us in Mayow Park over the past few years, originally planting bulbs around the Dawn Redwood tree. They also planted the now-established hedgerow along the wall of the bowls cabins in an effort to make that wall less visible.
Come along to say hello or help from 11am to 2pm. Meet near the cafe. Do wear suitable clothes and shoes for gardening work.

On 15th March we will have a bird walk around the park, led by a local amateur ornithologist. You may have heard the birds getting more chatty recently and seen some carrying nest-building materials in the beaks or a robin with a tasty worm. Learn more about the birds of the park.
Meet at 7.30am near the cafe. The walk will finish in time for breakfast at the cafe, should you wish,  and you can be home in plenty of time to celebrate Mother's Day.

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